I help Moms become Queens—learning how to set boundaries without feeling guilty and stop people pleasing.

Coaching through a holistic approach working with mind, body, energy, and spirit:

SCIENCE (Positive Psychology, Biohacking, Nutrition, and Brain Health)


SPIRITUALITY (Meditation, Yin Yoga, Breathwork, and Practical Spiritual Wisdom)


Cultivating attention and awareness to the present with non-judgement: calming and befriending your mind.

Gaining a sense of control over your thoughts and emotions.


Transforming old limiting belief systems and patterns to empowering beliefs. Learning how to get out of your own way.

Shifting old identities that no longer serve you and transforming inside out towards your greatest potential.

Abundance Consciousness

Developing an attitude of gratitude and being able to appreciate the joys in your life.

Opening yourself up to opportunities and more experiences, people, and states of being that you want.

Welcoming abundance in health, finance, relationships, self-love, and quality of life.

Productivity x Performance

Creating powerful daily habits and routines that will compound and allow you to reach breakthroughs and personal bests that you may have never thought was possible.

Becoming the best version of you and confidently stepping into your life with full expression of your authenticity and creativity.


Cultivating a connection to something greater than oneself through spiritual practices (like meditation, yoga, breathwork, and journaling) — moving beyond the Ego.

Crafting a life that is in alignment with your higher potentiality.


Incorporating Positive Psychology findings to discover a 40% happier and meaningful life.

Improve biology and physiology through improving nutrition and tapping into biohacks (like cold therapy, intermittent fasting, and sleep optimization).

Greetings! I'm Kevin Qiu, M.D.

I am thrilled having you here! I offer a unique scientific and spiritual perspective from spending the last 10 years studying in the fields of Life Sciences, Psychology, and Medicine while developing a regular practice in mindfulness, meditation and yoga. The last 3 years working closely with patients, especially psychiatrically ill patients, has given me a deep perspective on mental health. And I fully appreciate the importance of a strong working relationship and a strategic approach.

I am a Transformational Coach and I am fascinated with Positive Psychology: the science of the good life (happiness, joy, awe, compassion, connection, meaningfulness, and gratitude).

I was a very anxious child and teenager growing up. In high school, I called myself a "chameleon" — I tried so hard to fit in with every crowd (I pleased everybody friends and family) that I never really knew who I was deep down inside. I was 19 years old, my second year in university, when I discovered what "anxiety" meant in my Abnormal Psychology course. That sparked my interest in self-help, healing, and psychology.

The last decade has been a journey going through university then medical school while embarking on a spiritual journey as well. I realized how out of touch I was and I wasn't living for myself — I was living out other people's expectation (desperately seeking attention, admiration, acknowledgement, and validation). I had a deeply rooted harmful belief that I wasn't enough. I didn't deserve to have a happy life.

By no means do I have it all figured out, but where I am today — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually — is lightyears away from where I was.

I am here to heal worriers, perfectionists, imposters, and misfits—breaking free from negative self-talk and self-imposed limitations through cultivating inner peace, happiness, lovingkindness, and authentic self-expression finding your way back home to belonging in mind, body, nature, and spirit.

My Experiences

Four years of undergraduate studies at University of Toronto learning about the Human Body, Biology, Genes, and Psychology offered me a strong scientific foundation and fueled my passion for seeking the truth. I began understanding and seeing the association between the miraculous powers of the body and the mind.

Afterwards, I was studying Western Medicine with a passion for Psychiatry. My education provided me with countless hours interacting with patients. My medical education taught me how to take a client-oriented approaching: actively listen, take perspectives, and connect with others in all walks of life at a logical and heart-centred level.

I worked with patients with psychiatrical disorders like major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia and I developed an appreciations for the similarities in their mind states compared to our "normal" mind states.

My medical education and previous academia experiences has crafted me a scientific, critical and discerning analytical thinking mind. I apply similar inquisitive and objectivity reasoning in my life coaching.

I considered myself an Atheist for most of my teenage and young adult years. I gave spirituality a chance after learning about meditation and mindfulness in my Positive Psychology course in 2013—It changed my life. I have a regular meditation and yoga practice since 2013 accumulating well over 10, 000 accumulated hours of practice. I simultaneously studied and practiced spirituality while going through medical school.

I picked up my first self-help book in 2013 (Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a Loud World by Susan Cain) and it sparked my personal growth journey. It was a "holy crap this author is reading my mind! They get me!" moment. This spark was the catalyst for my tireless learning and exploration of the invisible wonders of the human experience.

I have since read 100+ books (psychology, non-fictional and fictional spirituality, Buddhism, Yoga, and biographies) countless articles, and attended seminars, workshops, and summits guiding me on my journey and learning about the human condition.

My personal development and spiritual journey led me to two silent Vipissana meditation retreats in Canada and I had the opportunity to study and practice at a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery in Nepal in 2016 learning about mindfulness, wisdom, and compassion.


Shruti Raheja, MD

English M.A. student

Kevin walked into my life five years ago and I have been grateful for crossing paths with him ever since. I have been through so much since then, but he is someone who has remained constant as a supporter, friend, colleague, class birthday rep, and enthusiast for celebrating both small achievements and major milestones.

Kevin has a way of seeing people in unique lights, and his passion for helping them realize their potential shines through in everything he does. He validates every dream, goal, and desire. He also validates insecurities and negative emotions, offering remarkable clarity for navigating through difficult times. Everything is just better when Kevin is involved.

I am so excited that he is now sharing his skills professionally as a Happiness Life Coach. There are bright things in store for Mindfully Abundant and everybody it touches along the way.

Mao Motohashi,

CAMH Administrations

Kevin is truly amazing! The clarity call started with a heartwarming 5 min meditation which helped me feel calm and grounded before the session. I was able to shift my perspective and understand myself better by the end of the call. He is an attentive, kind and supportive life coach! I felt so motivated to make positive changes to my lifestyle and my mindset!

Karyin Qiu,

Professional Dancer

Kevin and I had a great phone call encompassing what I am currently struggling with and what my desired outcomes are. Together we identified my barriers and challenges that are in the way of me living my most joyful and fulfilling life.

What I enjoyed about our Create-Joy session was that it was done through a casual conversation, which felt organic and engaging. Kevin remained very present, receptive and was able to respond with knowledgeable insight and actionable steps towards healing areas that need special care and attention. He went along with the natural flow of the conversation, and diligently responded with a piece of insight, or introduced a topic according to what he felt that I needed.

In the span of one hour, I learned about inner child healing, shame, narcissistic parenting, confidence and anxiety - just to list some topics we touched on. I appreciate his dedication and flexibility to tailor our session to meet me exactly where I was at. Kevin provided a positive and supportive space for me to recognize and process a few obstacles that came up during our session.

I felt a heightened sense of empowerment and gained more tools to connect with my authentic self from speaking with Kevin in our first Create-Joy session together.

“I have the power today, in this moment, to live the life that I desire”

was a realization that manifested from our conversation. Thank you!

Coffee & Coaching

"Thank you so much for answering my question today without even knowing me you really hit a key point on working on loving myself even though my question was relative to not being able to get over a break up. This year has been very difficult for many reasons for all and this moment of Sonder I just experienced from you and all those in the live chat tonight was exactly what I needed."

"Let me tell you something that I learned from you, I wake up in the middle of the night, is been a little rough for me these days, so I was just overthinking and then I told myself to stop, to breathe and make a list and be grateful for everything in that list, even my hard times. Boom, magic. I was so relaxed and slept.

!Thank you for that! And for reading me."

"Kevin, my name is V., I have been watching your videos for a while now and I want you to know how much of an impact to people you make, I have sat countless times with countless people watching your videos and spreading the love and light you have for humanity within my community here in Denton Texas. You have such a peaceful state of mind to my soul. Your pure human vulnerability, the way you truly show all genuine human emotion speaks to people on a level most can't, you are special in this world and you ARE making a difference. Keep being a light in this world, you manifest purity, into peoples' lives and that is a trait most do not possess, what you put out to the world you will get back! Namaste, the infinity in me see and honors the infinite within you. Keep spreading the light!"

Monday and Wednesday Morning Meditation TikTok Live 7am EST

"Hi Kevin!

I also enjoyed your session today as well. You were truly a breath of fresh air. It felt amazing to connect with such a great energy. The fact that you were able to transfer it through technology is beautiful.

Thank you again for your time, insight and genuine heart. You are such an inspiration as well."

5-Day Email Challenge

"It felt so good to meditate and to take a break from my hectic schedule and after a long time I finally felt like I was taking care of myself. Thank you for this challenge, I hope to participate in more such challenges and live sessions by you!"

"Hi Kevin! 

I really enjoyed your 5 day challenge and it really was a challenge- having it coincide with Thanksgiving made it a lot harder to find time to practice on those busy days! To be honest with you, I had to play a little catch-up on the day after the holiday, just to make sure I completed all of the journaling. That being said, this challenge really helped me get back into a routine of self-care. 

If I had to choose one specific path I focused the most on, it was Mindfulness Presence because that's been my main goal for myself. I also sprinkled in some gratitude and small successes on some days, but I never got to the Childlike Wonder journal exercise. I'm not sure if I'm even familiar with my inner child... I think that's a road for another time. 

Since the challenge has ended, I have been practicing daily. There are good days and bad, and I don't always do the same thing each day but I do try to always do yoga and meditation. My journaling is sporadic, but you've really provided us with some great tools to help sort out our minds. I see myself recognizing my negative self talk more, and I know now what I can say to myself to help mitigate that. You probably weren't asking for a play-by-play of my 5 Day challenge, but this is what you get when you ask me for feedback! Haha I hope some of this helps, I know it sure did help me. So, from the bottom of my heart and soul, THANK YOU!!! 


"I have not been able to consistently meditate before, but this challenge felt gentler, and it offered accountability, community, and consistency. I was able to meditate daily for a week, even though it was five minutes at a time. The loving-kindness meditation was nourishing, and softened the experience of being alone with my uncomfortable thoughts. I particularly enjoyed taking a limiting self-belief and countering it with a new one, then picturing how I would move through the world without its weight. Since completing the challenge, I have meditated more frequently (anything is more than not at all), and started writing poetry for myself and the freer self I imagined.


"Learning about the different paths I could take during this challenge ( wich I got wrong and took all of them the first time😂 and stuck with 4 of them then ) I got especially fond of the inner child path. That really rung a bell within me. I felt, going through the days of the challenge, that this is what I need to do. Reconnect with this inner child, to find my happiness, my true self my knowledge of living with ease ( I love that one very much ) that got lost adulting for the longes time now. To reconnect with the stranger I have become to myself. Trying to figure out what/where and how I want to be in one year ( day four ) gave me a strong sense of fulfilment and hope, that there is a way, that if I will be going it, will not be `lost hope and useless effort` but a new beginning to something I was looking for way too long now. This thought still being new to me I am hesitant and afraid what all these changes might bring. ( my adult self, stuck in a functioning system that is not always a safe haven )

But starting a little bit to find, see and feel my inner child, that is curious, not afraid, not judgemental, not overthinking ( sitting on the swing🥰) I get a sense of how to start walking this path. 

Every next step unknown but not scary, as the path ( of growth) growing underneath our feet as we walk it, will never end and will never stop to bring us nearer to who we are meant to be.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Is coaching for everyone?

Absolutely not! Not everyone is coachable. Not everyone will benefit from coaching. Not everyone will benefit from my coaching style. Only about 20% of people are coachable. That is why the application process involves a 15-minute Clarity Call and a 30-minute consultation to ensure we are a good match.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

Absolutely! 100% Refund within 30 days of coaching if you are unsatisfied with your transformation.

How do I schedule my appointment?

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Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once you can extend your existing coaching program or add additional coaching.